Resources » Student Services

Student Services

The Student Services department is an integral part of the educational community at EJHS. School counselors make meeting the needs of all students first priority. This includes counseling in a variety of settings: academic achievement, career planning, and social/emotional support through individual counseling, group counseling, and classroom lessons. These services aid students by providing age-appropriate support, removing barriers to academic success, and providing support and encouragement to set goals and discover new possibilities as they progress through junior high. We encourage students, parents and staff to reach out with any concerns needing to be addressed.
Services Provided:

Academic counseling

Assistance in student college/career interests and choices

Monitoring of student academic performance

Organization and facilitation of achievement testing

Orientation of new students

Crisis intervention

Personal, social, emotional, and behavioral support

Referral to community agencies

Support groups


Contact Information:
If your student's last name begins A - K, please contact Mrs. Greer at 217-540-1307
If your student's last name begins L - Z, please contact Mrs. Wendling at 214-540-1306